Pier help with Bouygues Community Project
Pier learnt about a recent community project that our client Bouygues UK were involved with United Welsh, always willing to help out where ever we can the team at Pier quickly sprang into action.
Pier donated 2 of its Painters to the project to give the Choir Hall a fresh new look, and as Bouygues say the Choir Hall is now looking great!!
Pier also work closely with an end of build cleaning contractor ” The Kleaning Company Ltd” and knew that the hall would be in need of a good deep clean to bring the choir hall back to life, Paul Ingram MD of Pier, got in touch with Chris Norman, Director of The Kleaning Company to ask for his assistance, Chris only too happy to get involved to help such a worthy community project and cleaned the hall spotless ready for their Christmas Carol Concert.
We are very thankful to our painters that did an excellent job for us and Big thank you to Chris and the team from “The Kleaning Company Ltd”