Pier supplies it’s first Apprentice – ‘Flexible Apprenticeships’
With a passion for the industry and the noticing the skills shortage,year on year, a desire to contribute to training in the industry P.I.E.R have developed a model for providing apprentices to its clients in the same way it provides temporary labour “Flexible Apprenticeships”
With an exclusive agreement signed between Pier and BEST to deliver apprentices to the M&E market we have our first apprentice set up and working away……..
Jordan started with us on 30th September and is working with our client CMB West Ltd @ the Swansea University Project, on an Industrial Pipe fitting apprenticeship.
This is an excellent opportunity for all our clients to invest in the trades of the future and jump on board to help “Train Tomorrows Trades”
for more information on hiring an apprentice for you business call us on at the office and we can explain how we can help you invest in your workforce……..